Bygone Theatre’s The Birds
“Douglas maintains a defensive poise that echoes the Hitchcock blondes—Janet Leigh, Grace Kelly, Kim Novak, Vera Miles, and, of course, Tippi Hedren. (Seems almost pointed that she’s brunette here.) Douglas is truly astonishing in the role—mid-atlantic accent, precise and fluid movements; all the performative artifice, but inhabited so naturally I found myself almost constantly swooning.” ~Istvan Dugalin
“There’s a brilliant performance from Anna Douglas as Daphne Daniels. She has the 1950s young upper middle class housewife perfectly. The speech patterns and the body language are exquisite.” – Operaramblings
…”the actress playing Daphne was simply superb…” – George Elliot Clarke“…complex performances from a formidable cast… particularly Anna Douglas as Daphne… Douglas is a compelling Daphne, appropriately clueless to the goings-on around her, and often funny as the socialite-out-of-water faced with the consequences of her own foolish choices. (She too nails the mid-atlantic accent)” ~Intermission Magazine
FX’s Mrs. America
“It perhaps needed more of … Annie Parisse and Anna Douglas, who play Midge Costanza and Jean O’Leary” ~Morning Edition
Toronto Fringe’s Lighter’s in the Air
“This show did a great job of capturing the gritty (but full of heart) vibe of a healthy mic scene in the Monarch… owned by the instantly likeable character Stacy (Anna Douglas).” ~Mooney on Theatre
Brendan Hunt’s Absolutely Filthy
Winner of “Best Show” at the 2013 Hollywood Fringe, Absolutely Filthy produced by Sacred Fools Theatre Company in LA
“Standouts are… Anna Douglas as Lucy (The Big Sister)…”
“Standouts in the cast include… hard-ass sports agent Lucy (Anna Douglas)…” ~LA Weekly
“Lucy… is served quite well by Anna Douglas, who treats the character of the sort of type-A businesswoman that Catherine Zeta Jones might’ve played on film.” ~Nat Gertler,, Charles Schulz specialist and publisher
Full Reviews available at Sacred Fools Official Website
Alumnae Theatre Company’s production of Gloria’s Guy in Toronto:
“Douglas gives Gloria a lovely combination of vulnerable and pissed off… Douglas and [Robert] Meynell have good chemistry, rounding out the mixed feelings of former high school romance, painful moments and the awkward, but curiosity-filled, surprise reunion between Gloria and Guy.” ~Cathy McKim, Life with More Cowbell
Buried Treasure
Interview about my work on Leslie Hope and Jeff Galfer’s short film, “Buried Treasure”
A Trip to the Ocean
An interview with the director of “A Trip to the Ocean,” Joe Cecchini